The 7 Steps to Developing Iron-Willed Discipline


Self-Discipline Mind Map on The 7 Steps to Developing Iron-Willed Discipline, created by Abdou Mohamed on 20/08/2017.
Abdou Mohamed
Mind Map by Abdou Mohamed, updated more than 1 year ago
Abdou Mohamed
Created by Abdou Mohamed almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

The 7 Steps to Developing Iron-Willed Discipline
  1. 1. Create a Purpose


    •    Find a cause why you do this, The purpose points you in a direction, give you a reason for why you would spend time and energy for this purpose   
    1. 2. Role Model


      • they are normal people like you but have a self-discipline to commit to their goals as long as it takes
      1. 3. Transfer Feeling to Action


        • Have a vision for your success and change “I think I can do it” to “I know I can do it”.
        1. 4. Obsession for achievement


          • As you start taking action it will feed your emotion that will helps you to get to your goal with desire, passion and energy till the completion of your goal 
          1. 5. Planning


            •    What you need to do to accomplish your goal, by effective planning you can identify the steps you need to take to make your vision a reality  
            1. 6. Learning


              • Transfer your plans to action, no matter how difficult the learning process might be, you keep going to transfer your vision to realty and achieve your goal, each time you master a skill your confidence in your ability to achieve increases   
              1. 7. Persistence and perseverance


                • No matter how long it takes or how hard it is, I will do it, Persistence is fueled by your initial vision and as you get near and near to accomplishment, your vision becomes more and more real, as you vision fuels reality and reality fuels your vision your drive to achieve begins working like a giant nuclear reactor, you will not stop until you reach your goal   
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