
LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Mind Map on MOTIVATING TEAM, created by wezzbox on 13/05/2013.
Mind Map by wezzbox, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by wezzbox about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Communication
    1. Positive words inspire positive emotions
      1. encouraging others
        1. remind of talents, skills, gifts
          1. creates positive atmosphere
        2. focus on what they HAVE done not what they haven't done
          1. increase YOUR ability to communicate
          2. Role Models
            1. People are inspired by those who WALK THE WALK
              1. PRACTICE what you preach
                1. lead by example
                2. Stories that people can relate to inspire them
                  1. either of accomplishments or of failure
                3. Positive Dissatisfaction
                  1. not negative because highly motivated for change
                    1. dissatisfaction can lead inspire change or a critical spirit
                      1. lead to apathy or stir into action
                        1. HARNESS this energy for positive change
                      2. Recognition
                        1. people need to be noticed
                          1. they want credit for achievements and effort
                            1. gives meaning to people's efforts
                            2. Expectation
                              1. people motivated by knowing exactly what they have to do
                                1. AND by confidence they are ABLE to achieve it
                                  1. nobody wants to attempt a task that is vague or has an unclear job description
                                  2. Motivation rises when goals, responsibilities, expectation are clearly understood
                                    1. when delegating make sure person had authority
                                      1. people perform better when they have some control over their work
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