

GCSE Biology (Respiration) Mind Map on Respiration, created by Ben Leader on 07/05/2013.
Ben Leader
Mind Map by Ben Leader, updated more than 1 year ago
Ben Leader
Created by Ben Leader about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Types of Respiration
    1. Anaerobic resperation
      1. Without oxygen
        1. 2 energy
        2. Aerobic resperation
          1. With oxygen
            1. 38 energy
          2. Body extracts nutrition out of food.
            1. Then it is turned into energy!
            2. Glucose + Oxygen = carbon dioxide + water
              1. Glucose and Oxygen are the reactants
                1. Energy is almost produced but is not a form
                  1. Carbon dioxide and water are the products
                  2. Diffusion
                    1. The alveoli has a big surface area so it can diffuse quickly
                      1. Between carbon dioxide and oxygen
                        1. Carbon dioxide goes out, oxygen diffused in
                      2. Air
                        1. The exhaled air contains more carbon dioxide and less oxygen than inhaled air.
                          1. Exhaled
                            1. 16% Oxygen, 4% Carbon dioxide
                            2. Inhaled
                              1. 21% Oxygen, 0.3% Carbon dioxide
                              2. 78% Nitrogen
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