
BIRDSONG Mind Map on BIRDSONG THEMES (3), created by majaraisinsstar on 27/04/2013.
Mind Map by majaraisinsstar, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by majaraisinsstar about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Fate and Freewill
    1. ''What is waiting for you can't be changed, but if you hesitate you will needlessly endanger the lives of others.''-p373
      1. '' struck all the men: that there was no way back.''-p376
        1. ''A promise..made by my grandfather.''p502
          1. ''...bodies stacked like sandbags one on another. It was not what he had chosen, but it was all that was left to them.''-p380
            1. ''I don't want to fight the French...I must do my duty.''-p464
              1. ''...he would complete what no enemy had managed.''-p450
              2. Rememberence
                1. ''...restore poor Brennan's life or take away the pity of the past.''-p405
                  1. ''When it's over you can remember them.''-p369
                    1. ''It mattered because her own grandfather had been here...her own flesh and blood.''-p369
                    2. Masculinity and Feminity
                      1. ''Azaire who saw his duty as a councillor to lie with the men of Amiens...''-p332
                        1. ''I never think of women. They belong to a different existance.''-p151
                          1. ''...they had all become expert with needle and thread.''-p205
                            1. Berard and the little boat -p42
                            2. Religion
                              1. ''He prayed for a moment and tried to find some thought or prayer...'-p462
                              2. Birds and their significance
                                1. '''The little man in the wheelchair was like a bird...''-p402
                                  1. ''...with the birds singing and the gentle clouds above them.''-p437. Prior entering the tunnel.
                                    1. ''Anything was bearable provided that he did not have to come too close to that bird.''-p302
                                      1. ''A lark was singing in the unharmed air above him.''-p485
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