Mains electricity in the home


Mind Map on Mains electricity in the home, created by ryansimon on 22/04/2013.
Mind Map by ryansimon, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ryansimon about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Mains electricity in the home
  1. 3 wires, earth wire, neutral wire and live wire
    1. Earth wire (green and yellow) if there is a fault and the case becomes live, current passes along this wire, making the device safe
      1. Live wire (brown) provides energy to the device. Has a potential difference of 230v
        1. Neutral wire (blue) completes the circuit. Has a potential difference of 0v
        2. It is safe to use two core cables when the case itself is an insulator. It could be used safely in plastic kettes, hair dryer and a t.v.
          1. If the diameter of a cable is smaller then the current cant flow as much and it will also heat up quicker which could cause a fire
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