Flashcard Test 1


Flashcards for GCSE English Language Revision
Keith Thomson
Flashcards by Keith Thomson, updated more than 1 year ago
Keith Thomson
Created by Keith Thomson almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Direct address This is when you address the reader or listeners directly by using ‘you’ or ‘your’.
Alliteration When words beginning with the same letter are placed next to each other in a text or very close to each other.
Facts These are truthful pieces of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.
Opinions This is a personal view or judgement about something.
Repetition This is where a single word or phrase is repeated at least twice. It works in a similar way to a list of three.
Rhetorical question This is a question asked in a way that presents a point of view, so is not truly asking for a response.
Emotive language and exaggeration These are words that are deliberately designed to try to make the reader have strong feelings. These can be positive or negative. Sometimes, these words are exaggerated (also known as hyperbole).
Statistics These are numbers used as evidence.
Triples/rule of three This is usually three phrases or describing words used together to emphasise a point.
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