Key Temperatures


GCSE hygiene and safety Flashcards on Key Temperatures, created by jane stainer on 15/05/2013.
jane stainer
Flashcards by jane stainer, updated more than 1 year ago
jane stainer
Created by jane stainer about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
-18 C Freezer Temperature
5C - 63 C Danger Zone
63 C + Hot-holding of Food
75 C Core Temperatue of cooked Food
100 C Boiling water - most germs killed
-18 C Freezer Temperature (bacteria are dormant - not dead at low temperatures)
1 C - 5 C Fridge temperature (never put hot food into a fridge it raises temperature to an unsafe level)
170 C - 190 C Temperature of hot oil in a deep fat fryer ( extreme care is needed when frying)
63 C Hot-holding temperature
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