Laws of Chemical Combination - Tuition


User has deleted their subject information Flashcards on Laws of Chemical Combination - Tuition, created by Deleted user on 07/09/2016.
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Rajat Jacob
Created by Rajat Jacob almost 8 years ago
Rajat Jacob
Copied by Rajat Jacob over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Law of Conservation of Mass Mass of the matter is not destroyed
Law of Conservation of Mass Total mass of the reactants before the reaction is equal to the total mass the products after the reaction.
Law of Definite Proportion or Constant Proportion A compound will always contain the same elements combined in fixed proportion by mass regardless of the source from which it is obtained .
Law of Multiple Proportion When two elements combine to form two or more than 2 types of the compounds, the ratio of different weights of one of the elements combining with fixed weight of the other simple whole number ratio.
Law of Reciprocal Proportion The ratio of the masses of two different elements combining with fixed mass of the third elements will be the same or in simple multiples when they combine among themselves.
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