Bolean Algebra


Major Maths - Kerie Flashcards on Bolean Algebra, created by Tasha Jones on 29/04/2013.
Tasha Jones
Flashcards by Tasha Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Tasha Jones
Created by Tasha Jones about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Complements P + P' = 1 P x P' = 0 (P')' = P
Commutative P + Q = Q + P P x Q = Q x P
Associative P + (Q + R) = (P + Q) + R P x (Q x R) = (P x Q) x R
Absorption P + P = P P x P = P
Universal Set P + 1 = 1 P x 1 = P
Empty Sets P + 0 = P P x 0 = 0
Distributive P x (Q +R) = (P x Q) + (P x R) P + (Q x R) = (P + Q) x (P + R)
De Morgan's (P x Q)' = P' + Q' (P + Q)' = P' x Q'
Inclusion P + (P x Q) = P P x (P + Q) = P
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